General Evaluations

Unlocking Potential

General evaluations encompass a wide range of assessments that provide vital insights into cognitive health, psychological well-being, and specific conditions. These evaluations are instrumental in guiding effective care, support, and interventions tailored to the unique needs of individuals, enhancing their quality of life and well-being.

IQ Testing

IQ testing involves standardized assessments designed to measure a broad range of cognitive abilities, including verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. These tests provide a quantitative measure of a person’s intellectual capabilities and potential.


IQ tests offer valuable insights into a person’s cognitive strengths and areas for development. They can be particularly useful in educational planning, career counseling, and identifying intellectual giftedness or specific learning needs. Understanding an individual’s intellectual profile can guide personalized strategies for learning, development, and problem-solving.


For students, parents, and educators, IQ testing provides crucial information that can influence educational approaches and support. It helps in tailoring learning environments and teaching methods to better align with the individual’s cognitive profile. For adults, IQ assessments can inform career planning and personal development, helping individuals leverage their intellectual strengths effectively.

Psychological Evaluations

General psychological evaluations encompass a broad range of assessments designed to diagnose and understand various mental health issues. These evaluations cover a wide spectrum, from mood disorders and anxiety to personality disorders and psychosis.


Understanding the full scope of an individual’s psychological and mental health is fundamental to providing effective care and support. These comprehensive evaluations ensure that all aspects of a person’s mental health are considered, leading to holistic and personalized treatment plans.


Those being evaluated gain insights into their mental health, facilitating access to appropriate therapies, medications, and support services. Mental health professionals rely on these evaluations to offer targeted, evidence-based treatments that address the individual’s unique mental health needs.

Assessments for Dependency and Fitness to Parent

These assessments evaluate an individual’s ability to provide a safe, nurturing, and stable environment for dependents, including children or at-risk adults. The evaluations consider various factors such as mental health, substance use, and overall parenting or caregiving capabilities.


Ensuring the well-being and safety of dependents is paramount. These evaluations provide an objective analysis of an individual’s fitness to care for others, identifying any risks or areas where support is needed to fulfill their caregiving responsibilities effectively.


For families and legal professionals involved in custody or welfare cases, these assessments offer crucial information to inform decisions that prioritize the best interests of children and at-risk adults. They help to ensure that dependents are placed in environments where they can thrive.

Substance Use Evaluations

Substance use evaluations are focused assessments that examine the extent and impact of a person’s substance use on their life, health, and responsibilities. These evaluations identify patterns of use, potential dependency, and the psychological and social effects of substance use.


Addressing substance use and its underlying causes is critical for recovery and rehabilitation. These evaluations provide a foundation for developing effective treatment plans, including detoxification, therapy, and support groups, tailored to the person’s specific needs.


Those struggling with substance use issues benefit from these evaluations by receiving personalized care and support that address the root causes of their substance use. Healthcare providers and support services can use the insights gained to assist individuals on their path to recovery, helping them rebuild their lives.

Explore the full spectrum of your or your loved one's cognitive and psychological landscape with our general evaluations. Contact us to schedule an assessment and take the first step towards personalized growth and well-being.

Schedule Your Assessment: (530) 953-1070